Thursday, June 14, 2012


I'm running a game of "elbow tag" here
I just returned from Walthll, NE last night. I spent a partial week serving the Omaha natives who live in Walthill. This was/is a remarkable week for many reasons (the work is in progress through Friday evening)- 34 people from Grand Island, Omaha, Lincoln, Atlanta and Dallas have come together to serve on the rez, located barely 2 hours north of Lincoln, NE. Yesterday, we ran a Vacation Bible School (VBS) for 57 kids. Grace Chapel has been in Walthill for five summers now (since 2008), and the growth of our VBS has been nothing short of explosive; even last year, we ran one VBS afternoon for 8 kids. While numbers aren't the point, nonetheless, it is exciting to see so many kids hearing the Bible stories and the Gospel of Christ. One boy who has stuck in my heart and mind these last five years is a kid named Sonny. Sonny is an 11-yr.-old and has always been among the first to try and memorize the Scripture verses at VBS- I pray that God would honor Sonny's eagerness to learn and raise up this young man to be a man of God. Pray with me for this work!

Present on the trip this year from Grace Chapel have been: Melissa Taylor, Sara Gronewold, Jane Gronewold, Ben Loos, Karma Larsen, Steve Allen, Jake Moore, Ben and Crystal Davy, Ben Unruh and Mike Hsu

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