Saturday, March 27, 2010

Getting Ready for Today ... Prayer Warriors ... You Are Needed Again

Today will be a very interesting day as we move our clinic from the New Jerusalem site to the GCA property site where the Guest House is being built. The reason it will be interesting is because there is little shade and no walls or natural barriers to organize people around. Haitians will wait all day to see a doctor or receive food; however, if they see food running out or that they are not going to see a doctor, the situation can get tense. We will use ropes, our PaP students and our 34 Nebraska people to maintain clinic in as orderly a manner as possible, but I would ask for your prayers here since the property is "wide-open".

Friends and family back home who are a little anxious we are down here: "cast your anxiety on the Lord because He cares for us" (1Pet. 5:17). Because our work in Haiti has never been about "us," we've had to trust in the Lord's provision every time we have come down here since 2004, and He has always been a marvelous Provider. The Lord God Almighty is being exalted through your loved ones, so find immense, even eternal comfort in that.

Pray for hydration and shade for work. Pray for clinic to go in as orderly a fashion as possible. Finally, pray for the people who come directly from the community and not through our church networks, for those who don't know Christ, to hear and see the Gospel. Thank you!

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