Thursday, April 21, 2011

Bringing Good News to the Whole of Creation

In the last post, Wright said "our mission must include being and bringing good news to the whole of creation." What are some examples of this? Think of what we might call "creational structures" we see in the first couple chapters of the book of Genesis before the fall of humanity: marriage, stewardship of the environment [think of the idea of subduing the earth and caring for it... yard work anyone? :-) (see last post)], work (Adam was set in the garden to "work it"), parenthood (producing little "image-bearers" who will spread the light of God, His likeness, rule and reign throughout the earth) and implicit is the beginning of "culture-making," i.e. the employment of man-made items like tools that are used to mold, shape and order the earth after God's desire. Also implicit, culture-making is found in the expression of song and poetry as Adam expresses delight in the vision of his bride (Gen. 2:23... see similarities with Isa. 62:5b and Zeph 3:17). 

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