Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Even The Rich Sometimes Live Well

"When he (Paul Farmer) and Jim (Jim Kim, Farmer's PiH doctor partner working in Peru) had first resolved to take on Carabayllo's epidemic (multi-drug resistance tuberculosis problem), he had gone to Tom White and said, 'Just buy the drugs for ten patients. We promise there won't be more.' Even then Farmer had known this was what he called 'a fib.' He had come back many times since to ask White for more money. White shared in the general nervousness. He wanted to leave this life without a nickel, he often said. As the number of patients grew, he began to wonder if Paul and Jim would upset his calculations. 'For a while there, I thought they'd spend all my money before I died.' But he never turned them down."

Mountains Beyond Mountains, p. 150 (also see Farmer's words at White's funeral: White Eulogy)

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