Saturday, February 6, 2010


It's been a pretty slow day. A group of eighteen from KC arrived yesterday. Most are from Olathe Bible Church and a few from Colonial Presbyterian Church. The new group ran a VBS for the kids.... that was cool. I let the girls braid my hair.... that wasn't cool. We got a small container shipment early this morning. I have to admit that the four of us slept in, but with the new group raring to go, why get in the way? The new guys offloaded the small container into the food depot, in barely 20 minutes. We are awaiting two large shipments that are expected tomorrow. We plan to worship tomorrow, help with the two large shipments and then hop on a tap-tap (ask your friends who have been to Haiti, ... best description I've heard of a tap-tap is "an El Camino in a tie-dyed shirt") to Mirebalais where we will hook up with our friends with GCA. Once we get to Mirebalais, we should be there the rest of the week.

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