Monday, February 1, 2010


My friend Frank Maiorana just returned from Haiti on Saturday (Jan. 30th). Gene, Trey and I were unsure if we should pack supplies, because the guys in Miami might want us to carry supply bags they were packing. On Saturday, Frank said bring as many supplies and medications as possible, related to pain and wound management. I called Craig Moore Saturday morning and he mobilized people in his small group (Doug and Jane Vander Broek, Gerry and Nancy Van Ackeren, Patti Puterbaugh, Shirley Moore, Rob and Carla Nixon, David and Joan Paulus) and two days later we have 300lbs. of supplies ready to go for our trip tomorrow. Thank you friends. You are superheroes.


Unknown said...

Yeah, I'm not sure about the super hero status.
But I would be remiss to not mention that Sarah, Scot, and Amy Moore contributed considerable funds toward the purchase of supplies. Jami Pickering, Jami Fulwider, and Gene Sumerlin brought stuff as well.
I just see it as another really cool example of the body of Christ pulling together to be the hands and feet of Christ to a hurting world.

Mike Hsu said...

More superheroes. Thank you.